We are a boutique brand made of real people.
We all know each other’s names and are building true friendship from this adventure.
We are a not corporation and never will be.
We are humans.
We are not deniers of climate change.
We love a plant-based diet.
We try our best to reduce our carbon footprint.
We really want to consume less single-use plastic.
We believe in ecodarity. (eco-friendly solidarity)

On a mission to create a community of like-minded individuals who want to achieve an optimal skin lifestyle and enhanced personal uniqueness.

These are some of our principles:

  • We embrace the difficult and hard to achieve as we know that better solutions require real commitment.
  • We go for the uneasy and uncomfortable route to challenge ourselves.
  • We choose people’s health over profit. Always.
  • We want to preserve the planet not the status quo.
  • We act with full transparency and we are aware that we are not perfect. Yet.

The 10xOne Initiative.

Every year we select 10 people from across the planet who are struggling with stressful skin issues and, can’t afford a high quality skincare routine, to gift them with a bespoke MAMEHA full year subscription.

If you know or are a person that suffers from severe skin conditions and feel lack of self-love or self-confidence due to skin insecurity, please share with us your story.

You are in fact unique and we want to help you rediscover your true self. Write to us: 10xone@mamehaskin.com